The BioGraffs Process
First Pick your Story
What's going on in your life that you would like to get a new perspective on?
Pick from one of the 15 categories below, and then browse some ideas for titles for your story. Choose one that seems to speak to something you'd like to explore in your BioGraff today.
These titles are places to begin as you start to think about visual story you are going to create.
Tweak the title to whatever feels helpful to you.
Once you've picked a title for your story, you'll want to look through your
BioGraff Style Cards
for ideas on how to tell your story with your BioGraff cubes

What's your story going to be about today?

Personal History
Make a visual story that explores your personal history in your family of origin, or other areas of your life as a child or young person. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Family Relationships
Make a visual story of how you relate to your family of origin today. These title ideas can help you tell stories about relationships you have with family members and your place in the family now, to better understand where you've come from. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Me in Relationship
Make a visual story about what is going on in your current relationship, relationships, or dating situation. Explore your romantic or otherwise intimate relationships -- past, present and future. If you are not currently in a relationship, think of past or future relationships, or what is typical for you in relationships. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Identity and Self
Make a visual story about who you are. What's important to you? Explore these title ideas to tell stories about how you see yourself, what you are like. Sometimes the stories we tell about who we are, can use a fresh perspective. Are they true? You can use one of these titles below, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Psychedelic Prep & Integration
Make a visual story about your hopes for your psychedelic experience before your journey Then after your experience, make another one. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Make a visual story about your experience parenting young people of all ages. You can do this whether you are a new parent, or the parent of adults and everything in between. It might be especially useful to do it before you have children. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Depression and Anxiety
Make a visual story about how you deal with Depression or Anxiety in your life, or other mental health challenges. It might be helpful to share the BioGraff you make with your mental health professional. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own. You can substitute "depression" or "anxiety" with whatever you call your particular mental health challenge.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Career and Goals
Make a visual story about your professional life or goals. These stories can help you get clarity about problems or where you want to be professionally. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Make a visual story about loss you've suffered. It may be a loved one, or anything that you had in the past and now dearly miss. Envision a future without the pain you carry so close. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Health and Self-care
Make a visual story about how you take care of yourself, mentally and physically. Thinking intentionally about how you care for yourself can help inspire you to make it a priority. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.

Make a visual story about your relationships with a friend or friends. Friendships are important relationships. Making BioGraffs with a friend is great idea for more connection. Below, you'll find some ideas for titles of your story. You can use one of these, or be inspired to make your own.
Browse some ideas for titles for your story.